Q: Why is it better to install my antenna outdoors or in an attic?

A: For the best performance, we typically recommend placement of your TV antenna at the highest point available to you and with a clear line of sight to the broadcast towers to minimize the possibility of obstructions between your antenna and the broadcast towers it is receiving signals from. Of course, many people still choose to install their TV antenna in the attic for aesthetic reasons or to comply with neighborhood guidelines. Where installation is possible, an outdoor TV antenna will offer the best opportunity for receiving TV signals. Outdoor TV antennas are traditionally mounted on a rooftop and have a distinct advantage over indoor and attic antennas, with better line-of-sight to the broadcast towers and fewer obstructions such as trees, buildings, walls, or roofing materials. If you live a far distance from the broadcast towers, a long-range outdoor antenna is the best option for receiving the available TV signals. Outdoor antennas can also be mounted onto the side of one’s house, decks, or on a tripod from the ground if rooftop access is not available.