Q: The channel scan takes a long time and I didn’t receive all the available channels.

A: A typical channel scan can take from 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the number of available channels in your area.

Make sure you have a strong WiFi signal while you are scanning for channels. A weak WiFi signal can also create communication issues between the app and the ClearStream TV unit and will cause interference during a channel scan.

Ensure the WiFi signal is at a maximum and stays at a maximum during the channel scan step. If a channel scan takes longer than 10 minutes, then you are most likely having connectivity issues. The performance of a WiFi wireless network connection depends greatly on signal strength. You can check your WiFi network using a WiFi analyzer app to see if your router meets the requirements. ClearStream TV can be used on any home WiFi network compatible with 802.11n over 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz and compatible mobile devices.